Recursive MCQ

Below are four multiple-choice entrance exam questions. Can you find the answers?

1. The answer to Question 2 is:

A. B
B. A
C. D
D. C

2. The answer to Question 3 is:

A. C
B. D
C. B
D. A

3. The answer to Question 4 is:

A. D
B. A
C. C
D. B

4. The answer to Question 1 is:

A. D
B. C
C. A
D. B


1. D
2. C
3. B
4. A

The easiest way to solve this puzzle is to select an answer from Q1 to check if the answers tally.

If Q1’s answer was A, this tells us that Q2’s answer is B, which tells us Q3’s is D, which tells us Q4’s answer is B, which tells us Q1’s answer is C – contradiction.

If Q1’s answer was B, this tells us that Q2’s answer is A, which tells us Q3’s is C, which tells us Q4’s answer is C, which tells us Q1’s answer is A – contradiction.

If Q1’s answer was C, this tells us that Q2’s answer is D, which tells us Q3’s is A, which tells us Q4’s answer is D, which tells us Q1’s answer is B – contradiction.

If Q1’s answer was D, this tells us that Q2’s answer is C, which tells us Q3’s is B, which tells us Q4’s answer is A, which tells us Q1’s answer is D – correct answer.

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