Good Riddles

The best selection of good riddles with answers from categories such as funny riddles, kids riddles, hard riddles etc. Can you solve them all?

3 Hats Puzzle

Three wise men are told to stand in a straight line, one in front of the other. A hat is put on each of their heads. They are told that each of these hats was selected from a group of five hats: three black hats and two white hats. The first man, let’s call him A, at the rear, can see both other men and their hats. The second man, B, in the middle, can see only the last man and his hat. The last man, C, standing at the front of the line, can’t see either of the men behind him or their hats.

None of the men can see the hat on his own head.

When A is asked if he knows the color of the hat he is wearing, he says no. When B is asked if he knows the color of the hat he is wearing he says no. When C is asked if he knows the color of the hat he is wearing he says, “Yes, my hat is black.”

He is correct. How did he come to this conclusion?

Riddle Answer

Same as My Mummy

Henry walked down the street and bumped into his old friend from university.

“I haven’t seen you for ages! I’ve married someone you wouldn’t know.” said the young friend . “This is our daughter!”

“And what’s your name, girl?” Henry asked the little girl who was holding his friend’s hand.

“It’s the same as my mummy!” Said the girl. “Oh so it’s Teagan, is it?” Henry asked.

He was right! How did he know the girl’s name?

Riddle Answer