Detective Riddles

Detective riddles tell you a story and require you to figure out what is suspicious or wrong with what you’ve read. If you like doing detective work, you will love these riddles.

Three Spies

Three spies, suspected as double agents, speak as follows when questioned:

Albert: “Bertie is a mole.”
Bertie: “Cedric is a mole.”
Cedric: “Bertie is lying.”

Assuming that moles lie, other agents tell the truth, and there is just one mole among the three, who is the mole?

Riddle Answer

Case Dismissed

A lawyer argued for $1,000,000 damages based on the following claim: His client went to an art museum, where he saw a painting of Marie Antoinette on a guillotine. He fell asleep and dreamed of the painting. At the museum’s closing time, a guard tapped him on the neck just as he dreamed of the guillotine beheading Marie Antoinette. The tap provoked immediate cardiac arrest and a fatal heart attack immediately following, because he associated the tap with the guillotine blade.

The judge dismissed the case. Why?

Riddle Answer