Famous Riddles

Some of the most famous riddles in the world. They’ve been passed down for generations, and are renowned for their ingenuity and universal appeal.

Two Barbershops

There is a small town on the East Coast that has 2 barbershops each with a single barber, and on opposite sides of town. The barbershop in the good part of town is immaculate. The floors and windows are washed and the air is fresh. The barber is very friendly, always smiling, he has shined shoes, a nice head of hair, and a clean dress shirt. The barbershop in the bad part of town is a mess. The entire barbershop is covered with a layer of dirt, and the air smells of trash. The barber always has a frown on his face. His skin is oily, his hair is ragged, and there are always stains visible on his shirt.

A man comes into town and hears of both barbershops and the man decides to go to the dirty barbershop in the bad part of town. Why does he do this?

Riddle Answer

Man in Elevator

A man lives on the tenth floor of a building. Every day he takes the elevator to go down to the ground floor to go to work. When he returns he takes the same elevator to the seventh floor and walks up the stairs to reach his apartment on the tenth floor. If there is someone else in the elevator with him or if it was raining that day, he goes back to the tenth floor directly.

Note that there is nothing wrong with the elevator or the design of the building. It’s a perfectly normal elevator in a perfectly normal building.

He hates walking up the stairs, so why does he do it?

Riddle Answer

Shirt For $97

A boy saw a shirt for $97 but does not have enough cash. So he borrowed $50 from his mom and another $50 from his dad.

He bought the shirt, and got back $3 as change. He gave his dad $1 and his mom $1 and kept the other $1 for himself.

Now mom and dad paid $50 each and got back $1 each. So they paid $49 each, totaling $98. The boy has another $1, adding up to $99. Where is the missing dollar?

Riddle Answer

The Missing Dollar

Three men go to stay at a hotel and they are charged $30 for the room.

They split the cost with ten dollars each.

Later the manager finds out that the rate is $25 and gives the bellboy $5 to return to the guests. On the way to the room the bellboy reasons that $5 would be difficult to split among three people so he pockets $2 and gives $1 to each person.

Now each person paid $10 and got back $1. So they paid $9 each, totalling $27. The bellboy has another $2, adding up to $29. Where is the missing dollar?

Riddle Answer