Good Riddles

The best selection of good riddles with answers from categories such as funny riddles, kids riddles, hard riddles etc. Can you solve them all?

The Reclusive Inventor

There was once a reclusive inventor who became so annoyed with unwanted visitors ringing his doorbell that he decided to discourage them by inventing a new one.

The device consisted of a row of six push buttons mounted on the front door, wired in such a way that only one of the buttons would ring the bell. If an incorrect button was pressed (even simultaneously with the correct one) the bell would be temporarily deactivated.

Only his close friends were told the identity of the correct button. Everyone else had to deduce it from an inscription on the front door which read ‘Exactly one button is somewhere to the left of the one, that is three to the right of the one, that is somewhere to the right of the one, that is next to the one, that is two away from the one that is first mentioned. Ring the only button of the six that is not mentioned above.’

What was the position of the correct button?

Riddle Answer

Gold Chain Puzzle

A woman wants to buy something at an auction where you bid grams of gold instead of money. She owns a length of gold chain (with 2 ends) made of 23 interlocking loops, each weighing 1 gram.

She wants to go to a jeweler before the auction to cut the minimum number of loops that would allow her to pay any sum from 1 to 23. For example, she could pay a 13 gram price with a 12 link chain and a single link. After much thought, she figures out a way to do it by cutting just 2 of the loops in the chain.

How many loops are in the pieces of chains that she has after the 2 cuts?

Riddle Answer