Tomorrow’s yesterday. Yesterday’s tomorrow. What is it?
Riddle AnswerGood Riddles
Handshakes Between 7 People
How many handshakes occur when a group of 7 people shake hands exactly once with every other person in the group?
Riddle AnswerSpider’s Web Puzzle
A spider is trying to build a web for itself. The web built by it doubles every day.
If the spider completely built the web in 15 days, how many days did it take for the spider to build 25% of the web?
Riddle Answer4 Keys and 4 Locks
There are 4 keys and 4 locks. What is the maximum number of times you need to try the locks so as to match all 4 keys to their locks?
Riddle AnswerBees and Flowers
In a pond there are some flowers with some bees hovering over the flowers. If each bee lands on a flower, one bee doesn’t get a flower. If two bees share each flower there is one flower left out. How many flowers and bees are there?
Riddle Answer