Good Riddles

The best selection of good riddles with answers from categories such as funny riddles, kids riddles, hard riddles etc. Can you solve them all?

The Reclusive Inventor

There was once a reclusive inventor who became so annoyed with unwanted visitors ringing his doorbell that he decided to discourage them by inventing a new one.

The device consisted of a row of six push buttons mounted on the front door, wired in such a way that only one of the buttons would ring the bell. If an incorrect button was pressed (even simultaneously with the correct one) the bell would be temporarily deactivated.

Only his close friends were told the identity of the correct button. Everyone else had to deduce it from an inscription on the front door which read ‘Exactly one button is somewhere to the left of the one, that is three to the right of the one, that is somewhere to the right of the one, that is next to the one, that is two away from the one that is first mentioned. Ring the only button of the six that is not mentioned above.’

What was the position of the correct button?

Riddle Answer

Chicks Peas and the Bride

There was once a bride who lived with her husband and mother-in-law. The bride was very fond of chick peas. The mother-in-law had a barrel full of chick peas in the kitchen. Every couple of days the bride would steal some chick peas and roast them in secret.

Eventually, the barrel became half-empty and the mother-in-law became suspicious of the bride because she was new to the household and no one had ever taken the chick peas before. The bride knew of her suspicion.

Once when they were cleaning the kitchen, the bride found a chick pea on the floor. She said three words to the mother-in-law that made the mother-in-law think she didn’t take the chick peas. What were they?

Riddle Answer