Good Riddles

The best selection of good riddles with answers from categories such as funny riddles, kids riddles, hard riddles etc. Can you solve them all?

Day of Argument

7 people had the following conversation.

A: The day after tomorrow is Wednesday.
B: No, today is Wednesday.
C: Both of you are wrong, Wednesday is tomorrow.
D: Today is neither Monday, nor Tuesday, nor Wednesday.
E: I am pretty sure that Thursday was yesterday.
F: No, yesterday was Tuesday.
G: All I know, is yesterday wasn’t Saturday.

Only one of them is telling the truth. On which day did the argument took place?

Riddle Answer

The Monk Travel

At precisely 7:00 a.m., a monk sets out to climb a tall mountain, so that he might visit a temple at its peak. The trail he walks is narrow and winding, but it is the only way to reach the summit. As he ascends the mountain, the monk walks the path at varying speeds. Though he stops occasionally to rest and eat, he never strays from the path, and he never walks backwards. At exactly 7:00 p.m., the monk reaches the temple at the summit, where he stays the night.

The following morning at 7:00 a.m. sharp, the monk departs the temple and begins his journey back to the bottom of the mountain. He descends by way of the same path, again walking slowly at times and quickly at others, stopping here and there to eat and drink and rest, but never deviating from the path and never going backwards. Twelve hours later, at 7:00 p.m. on the nose, the monk arrives back at the foot of the mountain.

Is there any point along the path that the monk occupied at precisely the same time on both days? How do you know?

Riddle Answer

Six Grave Plot

While ambling about your local cemetery, you stumble upon a grave marker situated before a six-grave plot. Glancing down, you notice an inscription upon the family stone. It reads:

Here lie…
2 Grandmothers with their 2 Granddaughters
2 Husbands with their 2 Wives
2 Fathers with their 2 Daughters
2 Mothers with their 2 Sons
2 Maidens with their 2 Mothers
2 Sisters with their 2 Brothers

Yet but 6 corpses all lie buried here. All born legitimate, from incest clear. How is this possible?

Riddle Answer