Hard Riddles

Hard riddles with answers are a true test of your brain power, reasoning and comprehension. You are sure to find these tough difficult riddles both challenging and puzzling. While these hard riddles and answers may drive you a little crazy sometimes, they may surprise you in the way they force you think out of the box.

Delivering Grain on Time

A collective farm was due to deliver its quota of grain to the state authorities. The management of the Kolkhoz decided the trucks should arrive in the city at exactly 11:00 A.M.

If the trucks traveled at 30 miles per hour they would reach the city at ten, an hour early; at 20 miles an hour they would arrive at noon, an hour late.

How far is the Kolkhoz from the city, and how fast should the trucks travel to arrive at 11:00 A.M.?

Riddle Answer

Gold Thief

A girl has stolen two bars of solid gold, each weighing 18 pounds, and is running away from police. On the path she is on, she comes up to a rope bridge with a sign saying that the rope bridge can hold a maximum weight of 130 pounds, and that if any more weight is placed on the bridge it will collapse.

The girl knows her weight is 100 pounds, so she walks across the bridge carrying both gold bars, and the bridge does not break. How is this possible?

Riddle Answer

Two Villages

A traveller comes to a fork in the road which leads to two villages. In one village the people always tell lies, and in the other village the people always tell the truth. The traveller needs to conduct business in the village where everyone tells the truth. A man from one of the villages is standing in the middle of the fork, but there is no indication of which village he is from. The traveller approaches the man and asks him one question. From the villager’s answer, he knows which road to follow. What did the traveller ask?

Riddle Answer

The Two Trains Puzzle

Two trains start at the same time, one from London to Liverpool, the other from Liverpool to London. If they arrive at their destinations one hour and four hours respectively after passing one another, how much faster is one train running than the other?

Riddle Answer