Alex came across 5 islanders, all of whom knew one another and would only answer yes-or-no questions.
What is the minimum number of questions Alex needs to ask, to successfully determine how many of the islanders are paladins?
Riddle AnswerAlex came across 5 islanders, all of whom knew one another and would only answer yes-or-no questions.
What is the minimum number of questions Alex needs to ask, to successfully determine how many of the islanders are paladins?
Riddle AnswerTwo workers in a brewery are trying to settle an argument over how much beer is inside a barrel. One worker thinks the barrel is more than half full while the other says it’s less than half full.
How can they settle the argument without using any measuring tools?
Note: the top of the barrel can be easily removed.
Riddle AnswerMr. Smith has two children. At least one of them is a boy. What is the probability that both children are boys?
Riddle AnswerThere is a party of 100 politicians. All of them are either honest or liars. You walk in knowing two things:
From this information, can you know how many are liars and how many are honest?
Riddle AnswerYou are given two eggs, and access to a 100-storey building. Both eggs are identical. The aim is to find out the highest floor from which an egg will not break when dropped from a floor. If an egg is dropped and does not break, it is undamaged and can be dropped again. However, once an egg is broken, it cannot be used anymore.
If an egg breaks when dropped from floor N, then it would also have broken from any floor above that. If an egg survives a fall from floor N, then it will also survive any fall below floor N.
What is the minimum number of egg drops required to find the solution?
Riddle Answer