Hard Riddles

Hard riddles with answers are a true test of your brain power, reasoning and comprehension. You are sure to find these tough difficult riddles both challenging and puzzling. While these hard riddles and answers may drive you a little crazy sometimes, they may surprise you in the way they force you think out of the box.

12 Marbles

A box contains 12 marbles of three different colours: green, yellow and blue — 4 each. If you were to close your eyes and pick them at random, how many marbles must you take out to be sure that there are at least two of one colour among the marbles picked out?

Riddle Answer

Burglary Report

The Johnsons have just reported a robbery. “All the wife’s jewels are missing. You’ll want to check inside for fingerprints,” Mr. Johnson said to the policeman, pointing to the broken window glasses on the outside of the house. The burglar presumably entered the house by breaking through the window.

The policeman noticed that the inside of the house had a number of very tiny pieces of window glass particles scattered around near the broken window area and replied, “That won’t be necessary. There’s been no burglary.” What made the policeman so sure?

Riddle Answer

The Clever Postman

When the postman arrived at the Smith home to deliver mail through a slot in the front door, he was surprised to find the Smiths had acquired a vicious dog. The dog was fastened to a tree by a chain just long enough to reach the front door. The dog growled and bared its teeth.

How did the clever postman outwit the dog and reach the door safely?

Riddle Answer