A plane crashed and every single person died but there were survivors. How is that possible?
Riddle AnswerHard Riddles
Three Chests
There are three chests, each of which contains 100 coins.
One chest has 100 gold coins, one has 100 silver coins, and the third has an equal split of 50 gold coins and 50 silver coins.
Each chest is labeled, but all are labeled incorrectly. You are allowed to pick one coin from just one of the chests and after this you must correctly identify each of the three chests.
What should you do?
Riddle Answer63 Dollars With 6 Bills
In British Columbia You Cannot Take a Picture
15 Minutes with Burning Ropes
You have two ropes. Each rope can burn in exactly one hour. The ropes are not of the same length or width. Both ropes are also not of uniform width or thickness. The ropes are thick at certain places and thin at other places. Thus, a rope that is half burnt will not necessarily have taken 30 minutes to burn.
By burning the ropes, how do you measure exactly 15 minutes worth of time?
Riddle Answer