Two boys wanted to cross a river. The only way to get to the other side is by boat, but that boat can only take one boy at a time. The boat cannot return on its own, there are no ropes or similar tricks, yet both of the boys managed to cross the river using the boat. How was it possible?
Riddle AnswerHard Riddles
Yesterday Was Tomorrow
Samuel said, “I wish yesterday was tomorrow so that today would be Friday.” What day did Samuel say this on?
Riddle AnswerReal Job, Fake Job
My real job is to make sure my fake job doesn’t get any more complicated than it already is. However, I have already failed my fake job before my real job even began. Who am I?
Riddle AnswerThree Eyes in a Straight Line
I have got three eyes and all are in a straight line. When my red eye opens, everything freezes. What am I?
Riddle Answer