I add five to nine, and get two. The answer is correct, but how?
Riddle AnswerHard Riddles
12 Marbles
A box contains 12 marbles of three different colours: green, yellow and blue — 4 each. If you were to close your eyes and pick them at random, how many marbles must you take out to be sure that there are at least two of one colour among the marbles picked out?
Riddle AnswerMother’s Mother-in-law
A woman pointed at a picture of a man and said: “That man’s mother was my mother’s mother-in-law.”
What relationship is the woman to the man in the picture?
Riddle AnswerThree Jars Water Puzzle
You have three jars which hold 19, 13 and 7 liters of water respectively. The 13 and 7 liter jars are full of water and the 19 liter jar is empty, so there’s a total of 20 liters of water.
Using only the 3 jars, how can you get 2 jars with 10 liters of water each?
Riddle AnswerThe Clever Postman
When the postman arrived at the Smith home to deliver mail through a slot in the front door, he was surprised to find the Smiths had acquired a vicious dog. The dog was fastened to a tree by a chain just long enough to reach the front door. The dog growled and bared its teeth.
How did the clever postman outwit the dog and reach the door safely?
Riddle Answer