Hard Riddles

Hard riddles with answers are a true test of your brain power, reasoning and comprehension. You are sure to find these tough difficult riddles both challenging and puzzling. While these hard riddles and answers may drive you a little crazy sometimes, they may surprise you in the way they force you think out of the box.

Nurse or Not

Three working women have different careers. If only one of statements 1, 2 and 3 are true, can you tell whether or not Mary is a nurse?

  1. This statement is only true if statement 5 is false.
  2. This statement is true if statements 4 or 5, or both 4 and 5 are true.
  3. This statement is false only if both statements 6 and 1 are true.
  4. Mary is a nurse.
  5. Karen is an artist.
  6. Sarah is a photographer.
Riddle Answer

10 Cigarette Butts

Bruce is an inmate at a large prison, and like most of the other prisoners, he smokes cigarettes. During his time in the prison, Bruce finds that if he has 3 cigarette butts, he can cram them together and turn them into 1 full cigarette. Whenever he smokes a cigarette, it turns into a cigarette butt.

One day, Bruce is in his cell talking to one of his cellmates, Steve.

“I really want to smoke 5 cigarettes today, but all I have are these 10 cigarette butts,” Bruce tells Steve. “I’m not sure that will be enough.”

“Why don’t you borrow some of Tom’s cigarette butts?” asks Steve, pointing over to a small pile of cigarette butts on the bed of their third cellmate, Tom, who is out for the day on a community service project.

“I can’t,” Bruce says. “Tom always counts exactly how many cigarette butts are in his pile, and he’d probably kill me if he noticed that I had taken any.”

However, after thinking for a while, Bruce figures out a way that he can smoke 5 cigarettes without angering Tom. What is his plan?

Riddle Answer

The Emperor’s Challenge

The emperor’s troops have captured you, the leader, and your 8 soldiers. He says he will execute you all but has given you the chance to take his challenge.

The emperor says that you and your platoon will be free if you survive his challenge, else, you will all die.

The emperor says that he will drug you and your 8 soldiers and put you all in the middle of a dry desert at a crossroads. There are 4 paths – one North, one East, one South, and one West, each which takes 8 hours to walk. One of the paths leads to a village that, if you find, ensures your freedom. When you all wake up, you may lead your soldiers to freedom.

You accept the challenge.

Before the emperor drugs you and your soldiers, he offers his advice. One should not wander off the paths, for if they do, they will surely get lost and die and furthermore you and your soldiers only have a day, 24 hours, to find the correct path to the village. Any more time in the desert and you all will die from thirst and hunger.

When you wake up in the desert you find a note in your pocket from the emperor. It reads: “I forgot to mention – two of your soldiers are my spies. They may or may not lie to you, but it is in their best interest to prevent you from reaching the village. The spies are peaceful, so they will not hurt you or your soldiers.”

As you fold the note up and tuck it away, your soldiers begin to wake up and the challenge begins.

Reaching the village in 24 hours is possible without trickery (digging for water, finding and oasis, having the spies tell you where the village is) and without anyone dying. The emperor has not tried to trick you in anyway either.

You must depend on your logic and reasoning. What is your solution?

Riddle Answer

Logic Loving Cannibals

A reckless explorer was captured by logic loving cannibals. He was brought before the chief and told, “You may now speak your last words. If your statement is false, we kill you slowly, and if your statement is true, we will kill you quickly.”

The man thought for a moment, then made his statement. Perplexed, the clever cannibals realized they could do nothing but let him go. What did the explorer tell them?

Riddle Answer