Today is Monday. What day of the week will it be 61 days from today?
Riddle AnswerInterview Riddles
King Octopus and Servants
King Octopus has servants with six, seven, or eight legs. The servants with seven legs always lie, but the servants with either six or eight legs always say the truth.
One day, 4 servants met:
The blue one says: “Altogether we have 28 legs”;
The green one says: “Altogether we have 27 legs”;
The yellow one says: “Altogether we have 26 legs”;
The red one says: “Altogether we have 25 legs”.
What is the colour of the servant that is speaking the truth?
Riddle Answer6 Litres of Water
You are going to mix up some concrete, and in order to get it just right you need exactly 6 litres. But you only have a 4-litre and a 9-litre bucket.
How could you measure exactly 6 litres of water using only those buckets? You have an unlimited supply of water.
Riddle Answer8 Balls Weighing Problem
You are given 8 identical looking balls. One of them is heavier than the rest of the 7 (all the others weigh exactly the same). You are provided with a simple mechanical balance scale. How can you find the heavier ball by using the scale only twice?
Riddle AnswerGold Chain Puzzle
A woman wants to buy something at an auction where you bid grams of gold instead of money. She owns a length of gold chain (with 2 ends) made of 23 interlocking loops, each weighing 1 gram.
She wants to go to a jeweler before the auction to cut the minimum number of loops that would allow her to pay any sum from 1 to 23. For example, she could pay a 13 gram price with a 12 link chain and a single link. After much thought, she figures out a way to do it by cutting just 2 of the loops in the chain.
How many loops are in the pieces of chains that she has after the 2 cuts?
Riddle Answer