The number of bacteria in a large sealed jar doubles every minute. The bacteria will take an hour to fill the jar. When will the jar be half full?
Riddle AnswerInterview Riddles
1000 Bottles of Juice
Given 1000 bottles of juice, one of them contains poison and tastes bitter. How do you find it in the smallest number of sips? Adding a single drop of poison to the juice will make it taste bitter. You can assume that you have the antidote for the poison.
Riddle Answer100 Statements
There are hundred statements.
Statement 1: At least one of these statements is false.
Statement 2: At least two of these statements are false.
Statement 3: At least three of these statements are false.
Statement 4: At least four of these statements are false.
Statement 100: At least a hundred of these statements are false.
What is the maximum number of statements that can be true?
Riddle Answer17 Horses
A farmer wanted to divide his 17 horses among his three sons. According to the farmer, the oldest son should get half of the horses,the middle son should get one third of the horses and the youngest son should get one ninth of the horses.
When their father died they were not able to divide the horses as the result was coming in fractions. As the sons were fighting on how to divide the horses a traveling mathematician came and heard their problem. He proposed a solution with which all the sons got their share in the property without harming any animal.
What was the advice given and how the group of horses were divided?
Riddle Answer10 Coins Puzzle
You are blindfolded and 10 coins are place in front of you on table. You are allowed to touch the coins, but can’t tell which way up they are by feel. You are told that there are 5 coins with heads up, and 5 coins with tails up but not which ones are which.
How do you make two piles of coins each with the same number of heads up? You can flip the coins any number of times.
Riddle Answer