Look at the picture and guess how many visible holes are there in the T-shirt?
IQ Riddles
Half Full Barrel Puzzle
Two workers in a brewery are trying to settle an argument over how much beer is inside a barrel. One worker thinks the barrel is more than half full while the other says it’s less than half full.
How can they settle the argument without using any measuring tools?
Note: the top of the barrel can be easily removed.
Riddle AnswerWhat Day Comes 3 Days After the Day
What day comes 3 days after the day which comes 2 days after the day which comes immediately after the day which comes 2 days after Monday?
Riddle AnswerHalf Full Recycling Bin
There is a bottle recycling bin, with one lonely bottle inside. Every hour, on the hour, people come and put bottles into the skip. The first hour, at noon, one person came and put a bottle in. One hour later, two people placed a bottle each into the skip. An hour later four people placed a bottle each into the skip.
This doubling of people continued until 11pm, when the bin was finally full. When was the bin exactly half full?
Riddle AnswerWhat Day Would Tomorrow Be
What day would tomorrow be if yesterday was five days before the day after Sunday’s tomorrow?
Riddle Answer