IQ Riddles

IQ Riddles are riddles that test your IQ. They are usually in the form of a logic riddle.

20 Coins on a Table

There is a table on which 20 coins are placed. You also know that there are 10 coins with heads up, and 10 coins with tails up. You are blind folded and there is no way to determine which side is up by rubbing, etc.

Your task is to create two groups of coins, each having the same number of heads and tails. You may only move or flip coins. How can you accomplish this while being blindfolded?

Riddle Answer

Sand Smuggler

Every day, a man crosses the border of Mexico on a bicycle with two bags of sand.

The custom officers check his bags and they are full of sand. The custom officers are aware that he is smuggling something but are not sure what is it exactly. As they do not have any evidence, they let him cross the border.

What is he smuggling?

Riddle Answer