Lateral Thinking Riddles

Lateral thinking puzzles involve solving problems through an indirect and creative approach, using reasoning that is not immediately obvious, thinking out of the box and involving ideas that may not be obtainable by using only traditional step-by-step logic.

20 Coins on a Table

There is a table on which 20 coins are placed. You also know that there are 10 coins with heads up, and 10 coins with tails up. You are blind folded and there is no way to determine which side is up by rubbing, etc.

Your task is to create two groups of coins, each having the same number of heads and tails. You may only move or flip coins. How can you accomplish this while being blindfolded?

Riddle Answer

Four Suitors

A wise king devised a contest to see who would receive the princess’ hand in marriage. The princess was put in a 50×50 foot carpeted room. Each of her four suitors was put in one corner of the room with a small box to stand on. The first one to touch the princess’ hand would be the winner and become the new king.

The rules of the test were that the contestants could not walk over the carpet, cross the carpet, or hang from anything; nor could they use anything but their body and wits. One suitor figured out a way and married the princess and became the new king.

What did he do?

Riddle Answer

Herd of Cows

Old Farmer Palmer has a herd of cows, but he always seems to forget how many animals there are. When he counts them he just makes sure he can see 6 cows from each window of his house.

herd of cows riddle

One night, however, Russell the Rustler took away half of the herd. Farmer Palmer didn’t notice for ages because the next morning he could still see 6 cows from each window. How was it done?

Riddle Answer