When is 99 more than 100?
Riddle AnswerLateral Thinking Riddles
Bad Luck to Meet a White Cat
Standing on Newspaper
A boy and a girl are standing on the same sheet of newspaper, yet it is impossible for them to kiss. How come?
Riddle AnswerArch Enemies
Rob and Bob are arch enemies. They decide to have a fight to the death one day when a fairy appears. The fairy says it will give them both one wish. Bob wishes, “I wish for twice whatever Rob asks for.”
What can Rob ask for to ensure he wins the fight?
Riddle AnswerThe Four Dollar Book
A woman walked up to a man behind a counter and handed him a book. He looked at it and said, “That will be four dollars.” She paid the man and then walked out without the book. He saw her leave without it but did not call her back. How come?
Riddle Answer