Logic Riddles

Logic riddles with answers involve looking at situations and making judgements about them by ruling out impossibilities. If you like solving maths puzzles, you will most probably like logic riddles as well.

Flashlight and 8 Batteries

You have 8 batteries (4 charged batteries, 4 uncharged batteries) and a flashlight which needs 2 charged batteries to work.

You do not know which batteries are charged and which ones are uncharged. What is the least number of attempts to make the flashlight work? (An attempt consists of putting two batteries in the flashlight and checking if the flashlight works or not.)

Riddle Answer

2 Coconuts 100 Floors

You have two coconuts and you want to find out how high they can be dropped from a 100 story building before they break. Now, the elevator in this building costs a quarter to operate-meaning you want to minimize the number of trips you must take.

So how many trips would it take at most to figure out how far the coconuts can fall?

Bear in mind the coconuts are identical; they’ll break at the same point. Also, if they don’t break, they’re considered as good as new.

Riddle Answer

Day of Argument

7 people had the following conversation.

A: The day after tomorrow is Wednesday.
B: No, today is Wednesday.
C: Both of you are wrong, Wednesday is tomorrow.
D: Today is neither Monday, nor Tuesday, nor Wednesday.
E: I am pretty sure that Thursday was yesterday.
F: No, yesterday was Tuesday.
G: All I know, is yesterday wasn’t Saturday.

Only one of them is telling the truth. On which day did the argument took place?

Riddle Answer