A group of privates were standing in the blistering sun facing due west. Their sergeant shouted at them: Right turn! About turn! Left turn! In which direction are they now facing?
Riddle AnswerLogic Riddles
Natives and Visitors
In an Island the natives lie and visitors speak truth. A man wants to know whether a salesman beside him in a bar is a native or a visitor.
He asked him to ask a woman beside him whether she is a native or visitor. He replied, “She says she is a visitor.” Then he was immediately able to determine if the salesman is a native or a visitor. Is the salesman a native or a visitor?
Riddle Answer6561 Balls
There are 6561 balls. One of the balls is heavier than the others. You are provided with a two pan balance scale. Find the minimum number of weighings needed to identify the heavier ball correctly.
Riddle Answer