If four men can build four tables in four hours, how many tables can eight men build in eight hours?
Riddle AnswerLogic Riddles
Eggs are 12 Cents a Dozen
Soldiers March Past Event
A group of soldiers were standing in the blazing sun facing due west on a march past event.
Their sergeant shouted at them: Right turn! About turn! Left turn!
At the end of these commands, which direction are the soldiers facing now?
Riddle Answer300 Foot Train
A 300 foot train is travelling at 300 foot per minute and must travel through a 300 foot long tunnel.
How long will it take the train to travel through the tunnel?
The train will take 2 minutes to travel through the tunnel.
The front of the train will take 1 minute to travel through the tunnel. The back of the train would have just entered the tunnel after 1 minute and it would take another 1 minute for the back of the train to travel through the tunnel.
Turtles at the Aquarium
Leon works at the aquarium. When he tries to put each turtle in its own tank, he has one turtle too many. But if he puts two turtles per tank, he has on tank too many.
How many turtles and how many tanks does Leon have?
Riddle Answer