If your uncle’s sister is not your aunt, then who is she to you?
Riddle AnswerLogic Riddles
Adding up to 15
How can you place the numbers 1 through 9 in a 3×3 grid such that every row, column, and the two diagonals all add up to 15?
120 Chocolates
Fred can eat 27 chocolates in a hour, Alice can eat 2 chocolates in 10 minutes, and Kelly can eat 7 chocolates in 20 minutes.
How long will it take them to share and eat a large box of 120 chocolates?
Riddle AnswerMultiple of Grandson Age
A grandfather and his grandson have the same birthday date. For six consecutive birthdays the grandfather was a multiple of the grandson’s age.
How old were each at their sixth consecutive birthday?
Riddle AnswerHalf Full Recycling Bin
There is a bottle recycling bin, with one lonely bottle inside. Every hour, on the hour, people come and put bottles into the skip. The first hour, at noon, one person came and put a bottle in. One hour later, two people placed a bottle each into the skip. An hour later four people placed a bottle each into the skip.
This doubling of people continued until 11pm, when the bin was finally full. When was the bin exactly half full?
Riddle Answer