Logic Riddles

Logic riddles with answers involve looking at situations and making judgements about them by ruling out impossibilities. If you like solving maths puzzles, you will most probably like logic riddles as well.

The Lady and the Tiger

The court takes decision to relax the sentence given to criminal if he can solve a puzzle. Criminal has to take decision to open one of the doors.

Behind each door is either a lady or a tiger. They may be both tigers, both ladies or one of each.

If the criminal opens a door to find a lady he will marry her and if he opens a door to find a tiger he will be eaten alive. Of course, the criminal would prefer to be married than eaten alive.

Each of the doors has a statement written on it.

The statement on door one says, “In this room there is a lady, and in the other room there is a tiger.”

The statement on door two says,”In one of these rooms there is a lady, and in one of these rooms there is a tiger.”

The criminal is informed that one of the statements is true and one is false. Which door should the criminal open?

Riddle Answer

Two Mathematicians and a Coin

The king is very angry at his two best mathematicians, so he decrees the following punishment:

The mathematicians will be imprisoned in towers at opposite ends of the kingdom. Each morning, a guard at each tower will flip a coin and show the result to his prisoner. Each prisoner must then guess the result of the coin flip at the other tower. If at least one of the two guesses is correct, they will live another day. But as soon as both guesses are incorrect, they will be executed.

The two mathematicians, as they were being ushered out the door of the castle, came up with a clever plan so that they will always be able to make at least one correct guess. What was their plan?

Riddle Answer

The Opposite Gender

Sam, Alex, Charlie, and Jordan are related. One of them is the opposite gender from the other three. Here are some facts:

  1. Charlie’s only son is either Sam or Alex.
  2. Jordan’s sister is either Alex or Charlie.
  3. Jordan is either Sam’s brother or Sam’s only daughter.

Who is the opposite gender from the other three?

Riddle Answer