Logic Riddles

Logic riddles with answers involve looking at situations and making judgements about them by ruling out impossibilities. If you like solving maths puzzles, you will most probably like logic riddles as well.

Slow Horse Race

Two men ride their horses to the town blacksmith to ask for his daughter’s hand in marriage. To help decide who will get to marry her, the blacksmith proposes a very strange race: “You will race your horses down the mile-long road from here to to the center of town, and the man whose horse passes through city hall’s gates LAST will get to marry my daughter.”

The men have no idea how to proceed, but after a few minutes of thinking, they come up with a great idea to abide by the blacksmith’s rules. 30 minutes later, one of the men is gloating, having won the daughter’s hand in marriage.

What was the idea the men had?

Riddle Answer

Two Angels

You are standing in front of two gates (a left one and a right one) – one leads to Heaven and the other leads to Hell. You don’t know which gate leads where. Beside the gates, there are two angels. One of them always tells the truth and the other always lies, but you don’t know which one is which.

You have one question to ask one of the angels, in order to find out which gate will lead you to Heaven. What would that question be?

Riddle Answer