Logic Riddles

Logic riddles with answers involve looking at situations and making judgements about them by ruling out impossibilities. If you like solving maths puzzles, you will most probably like logic riddles as well.

15 Minutes with Burning Ropes

You have two ropes. Each rope can burn in exactly one hour. The ropes are not of the same length or width. Both ropes are also not of uniform width or thickness. The ropes are thick at certain places and thin at other places. Thus, a rope that is half burnt will not necessarily have taken 30 minutes to burn.

By burning the ropes, how do you measure exactly 15 minutes worth of time?

Riddle Answer

1000 Wine Bottles

A king has 1000 bottles of wine and one has been poisoned. Even a sip of the poisoned wine is enough to kill a person.

The king asks the royal jailor to identify the poisoned wine bottle by testing them on the prisoners.

It takes up to 24 hours for the poison to take effect. There are unlimited number of prisoners at the jailer’s disposal. What is the minimum number of prisoners the jailer needs to identify the poisoned wine bottle in 24 hours?

Riddle Answer

Rickety Rope Bridge

Four people need to cross a rickety rope bridge to get back to their camp at night. Unfortunately, they only have one flashlight and it only has enough light left for seventeen minutes. The bridge is too dangerous to cross without a flashlight, and it’s only strong enough to support two people at any given time. Each of the campers walks at a different speed. One can cross the bridge in 1 minute, another in 2 minutes, the third in 5 minutes, and the fourth takes 10 minutes to cross.

How do the campers cross the bridge in 17 minutes?

Riddle Answer