Can you guess in which direction is the bus going?
Logic Riddles
World War 1 Sword
A grandfather is telling his grandson war stories.
“At the end of World War 1, I was awarded for my bravery after saving a group of my men,” the grandfather says. “You see, we were fighting in northern France and one of our enemies threw a grenade at us. I managed to pick it up and throw it away before it exploded. So right after the war ended, a General gave me a sword, engraved with the words ‘Awarded for Bravery and Valor, A True Hero, World War 1’.”
The grandson thinks about the story for a minute and then says “Grandpa, that story can’t be true!” How did the grandson know?
Riddle Answer4 Clocks
There are 4 clocks in a room. One gains a minute every hour. Another loses a minute every hour. One runs backward at normal speed. The fourth always keeps the correct time.
At 7:03 today, they all showed the same time, which was correct. When will this happen again?
Riddle AnswerFive Daughters
Mary’s father has 5 daughters – Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono. What is the name of the fifth daughter?
Riddle AnswerClock Strike 12
At six o’clock the wall clock struck 6 times. Checking with my watch, I noticed that the time between the first and last strokes was 30 seconds. How long will the clock take to strike 12 at midnight?
Riddle Answer