Logic Riddles

Logic riddles with answers involve looking at situations and making judgements about them by ruling out impossibilities. If you like solving maths puzzles, you will most probably like logic riddles as well.

Five Jealous Husbands

During certain local floods five married couples found themselves surrounded by water, and had to escape from their unpleasant position in a boat that would only hold three persons at a time.

Every husband was so jealous that he would not allow his wife to be in the boat or on either bank with another man (or with other men) unless he was himself present.

Show the quickest way of getting these five men and their wives across into safety. Call the men A, B, C, D, E, and their respective wives a, b, c, d,e. To go over and return counts as two crossings. No tricks such as ropes, swimming, currents, etc., are permitted.

Riddle Answer