Divide 30 by 1/2 and add 10. What is the answer?
Riddle AnswerMath Riddles
Twelve Balls and a Scale
Twelve balls are identical in all ways except one has a different weight. Three weighings on a balance scale will not only identify the odd ball, but also tell whether it is heavier or lighter. How many balls must be put on each side of the scale in the first weighing, the second weighing, and the third weighing?
Riddle AnswerDrive to the Store
You drive to the store at 20 mph and return by the same route at 30 mph. Discounting the time spent at the store, what was your average speed?
Riddle AnswerMonk Steps
A monk has a very specific ritual for climbing up the steps to the temple.
First he climbs up to the middle step and meditates for 1 minute. Then he climbs up 8 steps and faces east until he hears a bird singing. Then he walks down 12 steps and picks up a pebble. He takes one step up and tosses the pebble over his left shoulder. Now, he walks up the remaining steps three at a time which only takes him 9 paces.
How many steps are there?
Riddle AnswerRussian Roulette
You were captured and given one chance to escape with your life. You’re forced to play Russian Roulette with a 6-cylinder pistol. Each cylinder can hold 1 bullet. The gun has 2 bullets in it and the rounds were placed consecutively and the barrel was spun.
You took one shot and heard the click, luckily you didn’t get a bullet. You can choose to spin the barrel before the next shot. You want to live. Should you spin the barrel to improve your chances of survival?
Riddle Answer