
Test your intelligence with 1400 riddles and answers, including easy, short and funny riddles for kids and some of the really best and hard riddles for adults. Not forgetting math and logic riddles for the left-brained people.

10 Digit Number

Find a 10 digit number where the first digit (most significant digit) indicates how many zeros are in the number, the second digit indicates how many 1s are in the number etc. till the tenth digit which indicates how many 9s are in the number.

Riddle Answer

Strawberry Jam Stain Culprit

The Smith family is a very wealthy family that lives in a big, circular home. One morning, Mr. Smith woke up and saw a strawberry jam stain on his new carpet. He figured out that everyone who was there that morning had a jam sandwich. From the following statements, figure out who spilled the jam.

Billy Smith: “I was outside playing basketball.”

The Maid: “I was dusting the corners of the house.”

Chef: “I was starting to make lunch for later.”

Who is lying?

Riddle Answer

Delinquent Decision

Five children were playing kickball. One of the five broke a window. When questioned about the incident, each child made three statements of which two were true and one was false. The statements are given below.

1. I didn’t do it.
2. Sally will tell who did it.
3. One of us is in big trouble.

1. Joyce did it.
2. I didn’t do it.
3. I don’t even like to play kickball.

1. I didn’t do it.
2. Joyce and I are good friends.
3. Sally doesn’t know who did it.

1. Matt lied when he said I broke the window.
2. I never saw Vince before today.
3. I never broke a window in my life.

1. I saw Joyce break it.
2. I didn’t break the window.
3. I want to go home.

Who broke the window?

Riddle Answer

Selfish Son

There was once a man who had a very selfish and unkind son. So one day the father sent his son to the market with one coin and said, “I am sick and tired of your selfish ways. Take this coin and buy with it: something to feed the cows, something to plant in the garden, something for us to eat, and something for us to drink. Don’t come back until you do this!” He is only allowed to buy one item.

What did he buy that fulfilled his father’s wish?

Riddle Answer