
Test your intelligence with 1400 riddles and answers, including easy, short and funny riddles for kids and some of the really best and hard riddles for adults. Not forgetting math and logic riddles for the left-brained people.

Family Reunion

At a family reunion were the following people: one grandfather, one grandmother, two fathers, two mothers, four children, three grandchildren, one brother, two sisters, two sons, two daughters, one father-in-law, one mother-in-law, and one daughter-in-law. But not as many people attended as it sounds. How many were there, and who were they?

Riddle Answer

3 Mislabeled Boxes

You have three boxes. One has only red marbles, one has only blue marbles and the third has an equal number of red and blue marbles. The labels on the boxes have intentionally been switched so that each box is now marked incorrectly.

Your job is to relabel the boxes correctly. Of course you could just look in the boxes to find out which labels match, but can you do it without looking into each box? Reach into any one of the boxes and select one marble. Can you now correctly label all three boxes? If not, select a second marble from any box. What is the fewest number of marbles you need to inspect in order to correctly label each box?

Riddle Answer