Which word in the English language is most frequently spelled wrong?
Riddle AnswerTricky Riddles
Twin Birthday
Chris and Leon are twin brothers. Chris is elder to Leon by 2 minutes.
One day, Chris celebrated his birthday. Two days later, his twin brother, Leon, celebrated his birthday. How is this possible?
Riddle AnswerRemove 1 Letter It Remains the Same
It’s a 7 letter word.
If we remove 1 letter from it, it remains the same.
If we remove 2 letters from it, it remains the same.
If we remove 3 letters from it, it remains the same.
If we remove 4 letters from it, it remains the same.
If we remove 5 letters from it, it remains the same.
If we remove 6 letters from it, it remains the same.
If we remove all letters from it, it remains the same.
What is it?
Riddle AnswerStarts with Gas
Mother Cat’s Name
A cat had three kittens namely, January, March and May. What was the mother’s name.
What is the mother cat’s name.
Notice that the second sentence is a statement, not a question.