Dee Septor, the famous magician, claimed to be able to throw a ping-pong ball so that it would go a short distance, come to a complete stop, and then reverse itself. He also added that he would not bounce the ball off any object, or tie anything to it. How could he perform this trick?
Riddle AnswerTricky Riddles
Missing Apple
Mrs. Stotch is a fifth grade teacher. One of her students took her apple. Mrs. Stotch has narrowed the suspects down to Billy, Paige, and Tyler. Each of the students give these statements:
Billy: I didn’t do it.
Paige: I didn’t do it.
Tyler: Paige did it!
Mrs. Stotch knows that only one of the kids is telling the truth. Who is telling the truth and who took the apple?
Riddle AnswerPool Balls – Sum of 30
You have 8 balls numbered 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15. Select 3 balls and put them into the circles such that the sum of the numbers on them add up to 30.
Weight of Brick
We have a brick of regular size. It weighs 4kg. How much do you think a similar brick, four times smaller, but made of the same material weigh?
Riddle Answer