I was framed, yet I didn’t commit a crime, and the person who framed me committed no crime. What am I?
Riddle AnswerTricky Riddles
People in the Family
Your parents have six sons including you and each son has one sister. How many people are in the family?
Riddle AnswerChristmas and New Year One Week Apart
Christmas and New Year’s Day occur exactly one week apart. So a New Year’s that occurs right after Christmas should be on the same day of the week. But in the year 2020 Christmas will occur on a Friday and New Year’s on a Wednesday. Why is this?
Riddle AnswerPlane Crash Dream
A man is about to take a trip to Iceland. He is awoken in the middle of the night by his security guard the night before he is supposed to leave. His guard tells him he needs to take a boat rather than a plane, because he dreamt that the plane was going to crash. The guard then leaves because it’s the end of his shift.
The man listens to his guard and takes a boat. Soon after arriving in Iceland he hears that the plane he was supposed to travel on crashed. When he arrives home he fires his guard.
Riddle AnswerChildren of Mr Smith
Mr. Smith has 4 daughters. Each of his daughters has a brother. How many children does Mr. Smith have?
Riddle Answer