During a school lunch break, ten kids are discussing about their holiday jobs. In particular, they would like to know their average monthly salary (for the ten of them), but no one wants to admit openly exactly how much they make. Can you devise a way for them to calculate their average (mean) salary without anyone having to tell anyone else what their individual salaries are?
Riddle AnswerInterview Riddles
The Liar
A boy and a girl are sitting on a bench.
“I am a boy,” says the child with black hair.
“I am a girl,” says the child with brown hair.
At least one of them is lying. Who is the boy and who is the girl?
Riddle Answer12 Black Socks and 8 Blue Ones
You wake up one morning and there’s been a power outage. You know you have 12 black socks and 8 blue ones. How many socks do you need to pull out before you’ve got a match?
Riddle Answer100 Apples in 5 Days
A man ate 100 apples in the past five days. Each day he ate 6 more apples than the previous day. How many did he eat on the 4th day?
Riddle Answer4 Trees Same Distance
A smart landscaper is given the task of placing 4 trees so that they are all the same distance away from each other. How does he do this?
Riddle Answer