IQ Riddles

IQ Riddles are riddles that test your IQ. They are usually in the form of a logic riddle.

Mystery of the Ancient Temple

Once upon a time there existed a temple in India which housed three identical idols which spoke to the devotees.

The idols were of – God of Truth, which always spoke the truth; God of Falsehood, which always lied; and God of Diplomacy which sometimes spoke the truth and at other times lied.

The pilgrims come from all parts of the world to get their questions answered by the Gods. But there was a problem. As the idols were indistinguishable, devotees were not sure from which idol to ask their questions and in turn they did not know which God has answered and whether to believe it or not.

Once a wise man visited the temple. He asked the question: “Which God is seated at the centre?” to all the three idols. The idol on the left, centre and right replied God of Truth, God of Diplomacy and God of Falsehood respectively. The wise man at once proclaimed that he had solved the mystery of the temple.


Riddle Answer

Anna’s Picture

Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess named Anna. Anna’s father, the King, wanted to be sure his daughter married an intelligent man.

To test his daughter’s suitors the King hid Anna’s picture in one of three boxes. The suitor had to be able to select the box with Anna’s picture on one try and within twenty seconds.

The following messages were written on the boxes.

Gold box: Anna’s picture is in this box.
Silver box: Anna’s picture is not in this box.
Bronze box: Anna’s picture is not in the gold box.

The King would tell each suitor, “Only one of the three messages is correct.” Which box contained Anna’s picture?

Riddle Answer