In a stable there are men and horses. In all, there are 22 heads and 72 feet. How many men and how many horses are in the stable?
Riddle AnswerMath Riddles
100 Widgets
If it takes 5 machines 5 minutes to make 5 widgets, how long would it take 100 machines to make 100 widgets?
Riddle Answer8 Balls Weighing Problem
You are given 8 identical looking balls. One of them is heavier than the rest of the 7 (all the others weigh exactly the same). You are provided with a simple mechanical balance scale. How can you find the heavier ball by using the scale only twice?
Riddle AnswerSingles Tennis Tournament
A singles tennis tournament is held in which 30 men participate. If a player is eliminated as soon as he loses a match, how many matches are required to determine the winner?
Riddle AnswerA Mile Long Train
A mile long train is moving at 60 miles per hour when it reaches a mile-long tunnel. How long does it take the entire train to pass through the tunnel?
Riddle Answer