Math Riddles

These Math Riddles are based on math concepts and can be solved with a bit of math and logic. These fun riddles can surely give you a tough time.

Cycle to Gradmother’s House

Last week Tom decided to cycle to his grandmother’s house.

On the first day, he cycled half of the distance.
On day 2, he cycled one half of the remaining distance.
On day 3, he cycled three quarters of the remaining distance.
On day 4, he cycled 10 miles.
On day 5, he cycled two thirds of the remaining distance and on the final day he cycled the remaining 5 miles.

How far is it to his grandmother’s house?

Riddle Answer

Horse for Sale

A man decides to buy a nice horse. He pays $600 for it and he is very content with this strong animal. After a year the value of the horse has increased to $700 and he decides to sell the horse. But a few days later he regrets his decision so he buys back the horse again. Unfortunately he has to pay $800 to get it back so he loses $100. After another year of owning the horse he finally decides to sell the horse for $900. What is the overall profit the man makes?

Riddle Answer